A Lot Has Changed!

For the past year and a half I have been working at a new post in a new school,  in a new country, learning a new language, driving a new car and living in a new house.  I think that tells you where I've been busiest lately.  In addition, this year I am teaching an additional grade level.  Soon I will add another content area.  These have been great changes, and although I miss living in Abu Dhabi, my students at AISA, and being a technology coach, thankfully I can say I am pretty happy in my new digs.  To know more about my teaching this year, see below.   I hope to spend more time with you here soon.

I teach Grade 7 and 8 English Language Arts now.  It's like visiting a dear old friend and building new friendships at the same time.     My lesson material is presently housed in a Haiku Learning LMS.  My Class Content Can Be Viewed HERE and HERE.

Professionally I'm focusing on best practices in teaching reading, writing, listening and speaking, standards-based grading,  flipped learning, and differentiation.  It's wonderful to teach on the block system again and being a participant in a large cross-curricular team which does several cross-curricular projects each year.

In my personal life I am taking Spanish classes and hoping to become fluent someday. My  little home has a roof deck and a tiled patio.  Heaven! Especially after my last dark little cave with no outside spaces.  I was unable to do the cat fostering work I did in Abu Dhabi, so I have adopted 2 little street felines.  My travels have been curtailed in the wake of car, dental, and relocation expenses but next on my bucket list are: Mexico City, Ireland, Spain, and Poland.